Men's health :: Dignity Magazine

May/June 2019

Despite rising longevity, the statistics around men’s health are shocking and worrying. Our cover feature looks at why this is the case and considers what can be done to reverse this.

Other articles include: The North London Hospice’s Namaste Care training course teaching carers to communicate with loved ones with advanced dementia – New calls for social care to be made available free to all over 65s – Grandparents missing out on a NI credit that could boost their pensions by £5k – new Citizens Advice service providing support to people moving onto Universal Credit. Plus the News, Grants, What’s On sections and more.


A copy of the May/June 2019 issue. The price includes the cost of postage, which is an additional £1.


Your subscription starts on the May/June 2019 issue and ends on the March/April 2020 issue. Postage is free.