
May/June 2020

The toll that the coronavirus is placing on people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities is shocking and disturbing. Our series of articles considers why this might be.

Other articles include: Does Vitamin d has a role to play in the fight against Covid-19? – Some shielders have stopped exercising, putting them at risk of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. We highlight simple exercises that people can do at home  – Looking after the affairs of a loved one after a death – Taxicard's expanded service – Help to Save – Cash grants for care workers – the Older Person's Freedom Pass. Plus the News, What's On sections and more.


A copy of the May/June 2020 issue. The price includes the cost of postage, which is an additional £1.


Your subscription starts on the May/June 2020 issue and ends on the March/April 2021 issue. Postage is free.